- 甲基前列腺素E215-Me-PGE2; arbaprostil
- 15-甲基前列腺素E2Methyldinoprostone
- 膜结合型前列腺素E2合酶-1mPGES-1
- 15甲基前列腺素E215-Me-PGE2; arbaprostil
- 甲基前列腺素E2α15-Me-PGE2α; carboprost
- 素plain
- 像素pixel
- 15甲基前列腺素E2α15-Me-PGE2α; carboprost
- 前列腺素E2受体prostaglandin EP3 receptor
- 15-脱氧前列腺素J215--deoxyprostaglandin J2
- 多粘菌素E2Polymyxin E2
- 15-15-甲基前列腺素E215-15-methyl prostaglandin E2
- 目的 :探讨胃液及血前列腺素 E2 (PGE2 )水平与消化性溃疡活动期脾胃湿热证的关系。Objective:To research the relationship between gastric juice and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2) level of active stage peptic ulcer(APU) patients with wetness heat in the spleen and stomach(WPS).
- 控释前列腺素E2Prostaglandin E2
- 甲基前列腺素carboprost tromethamine(催产药)
- 前列腺分泌前列腺素的腺The prostate gland.
- 环氧合酶2及前列腺素15-羟基脱氢酶在早产患者胎盘及胎膜组织中的表达Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and 15-prostaglandin dehydrogenase of placenta and fetal membranes in patients of preterm labor
- 前列腺素E2PGE2; prostaglandin E2
- 甲基前列腺素Fcarboprost methylate
- 前列腺素2PGE2