- 13起O139型霍乱疫情分析Epidemic Situation of Cholera O139
- O139型霍乱Vibrio cholerae O139
- 非O1非O139型霍乱弧菌Non-Ol Non-O139 Vibrio cholerae
- 一起霍乱疫情的流行病学调查分析In company cholera epildemic situation epidemiology diagnosis
- 广东省两起小学急性咽喉炎暴发疫情分析Epidemiology of two acute faucitis outbreaks in primary school in Guangdong
- 霍乱疫情现场调查处理Field investigation of cholera epidemic
- O139血清型霍乱弧菌Vibrio cholera O139
- 深圳市罗湖区两起学校麻疹暴发流行疫情分析A report of two outbreaks of measles in Luohu district, Shenzhen
- 当地的医生向卫生局通报了霍乱疫情。The local doctors notify health service of the cases of cholera.
- 2007年8月末以来,霍乱疫情已传播到伊拉克北部25个县和南部4个县并横穿该国中部地区。Since late August 2007, an outbreak of cholera has spread to 25 districts of Northern Iraq and 4 districts in Southern Iraq and across the centre of the country.
- El-Tor生物型霍乱弧菌可溶性血凝素的性质分析Properties of the Soluble Hemagglutinins Produced by El-Tor Biotype Vibrio Cholerae
- 分带分析Sub-Band Analysis
- 序列分析表明霍乱弧菌毒素协同调节菌毛亚单位A(tcpA)基因在O1群EITor型霍乱弧菌和O13 9霍乱弧菌中是一类高度保守的原核基因 ,可作为霍乱弧菌疫苗的候选基因。Conclusion pNEB193_tcpA, the recombined cloning vector of tocxin_coregulated pilus subunit A (tcpA) gene has been successfully constructed, and sequence analysis indicate that the tapA gene of other vibrio cholerae O1 biovar E1Tor and vibrio cholerae O139 is a highly conserved prokaryotic gene and a potential candidate for vibrio cholerae vaccine development.