- 星座运程horoscope and fortune
- 8月星座运势August Told by Constellations
- 10月星座运势Luck told by constellations of October
- 根据星座运势,珍今天会坠入爱河。Jane's horoscope says she will fall in love today.
- 运程终端remote terminal
- 今日运程today's luck
- 生境与生态:生于山坡林缘或疏林中。花期:12月;果期:次年6-9月。Habitat and ecology: On margin of forests or in thin forests. Flowering: Dec.; fruiting: Jun.- Sept. of the following year.
- 平均运程average haul
- 云南陆良小脚老太太摆卖小脚鞋。The granny with small-size feet is selling small-size shoes.
- 轮缘踏面wheel flange and tread
- 1930年12月1日晚上,一片烟雾飘过比利时的一个山谷,这使数千人病倒了。On the night of December1,1930, a cloud of smog moved over a valley in Belgium, which caused thousands of people to become ill.
- 轮缘润滑wheel flange lubrication
- 六角轮缘螺帽hex flange nuts
- 多重运程multiprogramming
- 轮缘润滑装置wheel flange lubrication device
- 如果你的生日是在12月22日到1月19日之间,那么你的星座就是魔羯座。If you were born between December 22 and January 19, then your star sign is Capricorn.
- 在程序设计中,用于连接两个分离例程的程序代码。它能够在例程之间传递数值和或控制权。In programming, code that connects two separately coded routines and passes values and/or control between them.
- 突缘,凸出部:一件大物件上的突出部分,其有利于提供摩擦力,比如在轮胎上或鞋钉上。A projecting part of a larger piece that helps to provide traction, as on a tire or the sole of a boot.
- 网上运程remote network