- 龙血素Bloureirin B
- 剑叶龙血素Bcochinchinenin B
- 龙血素ALoureirin A
- 素plain
- 剑叶龙血素Acoelfinclfinerfin A
- 加那利群岛上的高大乔木;龙血源。tall tree of the Canary Islands; source of dragon's blood.
- 溶血素hemolysin
- 龙血dragon's blood
- 免疫凝血素immune hemagglutinin
- 不同工艺提取龙血竭中紫檀芪的含量测定Determination of pterostilbene in Dragon's Blood with different extraction
- 血素sanguinin
- 海南龙血树无土栽培营养液配方选择研究Selective Preference Experiment of Dracaena cambodinna Soiless Cultivation Nutrition Liquid
- 蝰蛇(小蝰蛇)和响尾蛇产生血毒液,这种毒液叫溶血素。Vipers( adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison,which is known as haemolytic.
- 初生态微晶法制备纳米龙血竭微胶囊研究Study on Preparation of Nano-Microcapsule of Resina Draconis by the Method of Microcrystalline in Nascent State
- 凝血素prothrombin
- 龙血树dragon tree
- 赤血素hematochrome
- 海南龙血树血竭生物合成相关基因的分离Isolation of Genes Related to Dragon Biosynthesis from Dracaena Cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep
- 促血素hemopoietin
- 两种工艺提取的龙血竭体外抗真菌活性比较To compare the anti-fungal activity of Dragon's Blood from difference extracting technology