- 光light
- 黑black
- 二黑条豚叶甲对豚草控制初步调查Preliminary investigation on control efficacy of Zygogramma sp. Against ragweed
- 东半球热带地区的有如冬青般叶子的光泽的蕨类;有时归为光叶蕨属。tropical Old World fern having glossy fronds suggestive of holly; sometimes placed in genus Polystichum.
- 黑莓blackberry
- 光的photic
- 榆树叶甲ulmus leaf beetle
- 小猿叶甲成虫越冬和越夏:滞育和休眠同时存在Over-wintering and over-summering of adults of the brassica leaf beetle, Phaedon brassicae: concurrence of diapause and quiescence
- 光叶海桐Pittosporum glabratum Lindl.
- 光叶岸豆藤Millettia nittda Benth.
- 黄瓜叶甲cucumber beetle
- 光叶AGuangye A
- 菱角萤叶甲不同地理种群数量性状变异(鞘翅目:叶甲科)Numerical Character Variations of Geographical Populations of Galerucella birmanica Jacoby (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in China
- 石刁柏叶甲asparagus beetle
- 光叶楮Broussonetia papyrifera
- 瓜叶甲melon beetle
- 光叶菝葜smilacis glabra
- 扁叶甲Juglans mandshurica
- 光叶楮叶Broussonetia pap yrifera leaf
- 榆叶甲elm calligrapha