- 送to deliver
- 在第四节还剩6分54秒时,麦麦停了下来,垂下了头,火箭叫了暂停。With 6:54 left, the Rockets called time out with McGrady motionless, his head hanging.
- 麦oats
- 耳麦earphone mic
- 速递express delivery
- 放送run over
- 送出delivery
- 全麦wholewheat
- 送信deliver letters; deliver a letter
- 全麦面包whole-wheat bread
- 送人to see (or walk) someone home
- 俾斯麦Bosmarck
- 送到send; send; deliver
- 烧麦Shaomai (Steamed Pork Dumplings)
- 送上serve
- 派送send
- 麦可Michael
- 送出的missive
- 麦饭石medical stone
- 送回lay back