- 麦肯锡7S模型Mckinsey 7S Model
- 戴维斯先生是第一个在美国以外的地方领导麦肯锡的董事总经理。His predecessor, Rajat Gupta, was born in India but was based in the US.
- 潘睿杰,麦肯锡上海分公司全球董事合伙人兼大中华区保健事业负责人。Raj Parekh, a Principal in the Shanghai Office of McKinsey &Company is a leader of our healthcare practice in Greater China.
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。He has all manner of model planes.
- 其后,他重返麦肯锡作为资深顾问,并与麦肯锡公司开展公益事业夥伴基金会。He rejoined McKinsey as a senior adviser, and worked with the firm to start an organization called Non-Profit Partners, LLC (NPP).
- 模板匹配模型template matching model
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 麦肯锡提供的第三项服务是为客户提供帮手。公司不想雇佣新员工来处理一次性事件。The third service McKinsey offers is extra pairs of hands. Companies do not want to recruit new staff to handle one-off events.
- 可熔化模型材料expendable pattern material
- 麦肯锡的研究发现和上述讲法正好相反,中国工厂在应用先进管理技术方面,比许多人想象的更擅长。In contrast, the McKinsey study finds that Chinese plants have been more adept than many had thought in taking on advanced management techniques.
- 预制模型to preform a mould
- 自模型内压制出管子extrude tubing
- 他们还做这种模型吗?Do they make this model anymore?
- 等价模型equivalence models
- 布景模型scenic model
- 模态模型论modal model theory
- 盒上印有装配模型的简要说明.Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.
- 用黏土做小马模型to model a little horse out of clay
- 用木片做船的模型to model a ship out of bits of wood