- 麦肯锡7S模型Mckinsey 7S Model
- 由麦肯锡管理研究基金会McKinsey Foundation for Management Research
- 戴维斯先生是第一个在美国以外的地方领导麦肯锡的董事总经理。His predecessor, Rajat Gupta, was born in India but was based in the US.
- 潘睿杰,麦肯锡上海分公司全球董事合伙人兼大中华区保健事业负责人。Raj Parekh, a Principal in the Shanghai Office of McKinsey &Company is a leader of our healthcare practice in Greater China.
- 其后,他重返麦肯锡作为资深顾问,并与麦肯锡公司开展公益事业夥伴基金会。He rejoined McKinsey as a senior adviser, and worked with the firm to start an organization called Non-Profit Partners, LLC (NPP).
- 麦肯锡提供的第三项服务是为客户提供帮手。公司不想雇佣新员工来处理一次性事件。The third service McKinsey offers is extra pairs of hands. Companies do not want to recruit new staff to handle one-off events.
- 麦肯锡的研究发现和上述讲法正好相反,中国工厂在应用先进管理技术方面,比许多人想象的更擅长。In contrast, the McKinsey study finds that Chinese plants have been more adept than many had thought in taking on advanced management techniques.
- 麦肯锡的研究人员推断,“真实的”失业率大约在15-17%,这就将瑞典打入了欧盟中最糟的岗位提供国之列。The McKinsey boffins conclude that the "true" unemployment rate is around 15-17%25, which puts Sweden among the worst job-fillers in the EU.
- 除了麦肯锡之外,波士顿集团咨询公司也向切尔西发出工作邀请,而且看上去她已经争取到一份远远高于其他毕业生的薪水。Miss Clinton received similar job offers from McKinsey and Boston Group,another management consultancy firm,and appears to have negotiated a salary far above other graduates.
- 有消息称,这位前任美国总统克林顿的千金已经得到了麦肯锡公司提供的一份"初级职位"的商业分析师工作,但她还没有接受。Sources confirmed that the daughter of Bill Clinton, the former President, had been offered an "entry level" position as a business analyst but had not yet accepted the job.
- 为了能保证私有资金运作良好,且不会被全部用来建造服务于城市富有阶层的娱乐设施,国际金融公司和麦肯锡提出要进行一系列的技术改革。To grease the skids for private capital, and to ensure it does not go only into fancy facilities that serve the urban rich, the IFC and McKinsey propose a bundle of technical fixes.
- 在加入洛克菲勒基金会之前,布莱尔女士曾任麦肯锡公司副总裁,主要负责个人业务拓展,微额融资,企业社会责任以及非赢利战略制定。Prior to joining the Rockefeller Foundation, Blair was an associate principal with McKinsey &Company, where she focused on private sector development, microfinance, corporate social responsibility, and strategy development for nonprofits.
- 但他在伦敦的那间顶层办公室看上去空空荡荡,没人使用,这意味着自一年前麦肯锡的高级合伙人选他为公司领导人以来,他有很多时间都不在伦敦。Mr Davis is the first McKinsey managing director to lead the firm from outside the US, although the spare, unlived-in look of his London loft office hints at how much time he has spent elsewhere since McKinsey's senior partners elected him as their head a year ago.
- 有人说二十世纪七十年代和八十年代是麦肯锡的颠峰时期,它是当时最顶尖的战略咨询公司,为公司的高层提供大的趋势方面的建议,有时候说服了他们改观了整个行业。This reputation was arguably at its highest in the 1970s and 1980s when McKinsey was the top strategy consultancy, advising chief executives on big trends, sometimes persuading them to reshape entire industries.