- 湾gulf
- 鲨鱼shark
- 波斯湾Persian Gulf
- 水湾inlet
- 鲨鱼皮sharkskin
- 铜锣湾Causeway Bay's
- 荔湾Li Gulf
- 渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼。The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon.
- 他们被一条鲨鱼咬死。They were killed by a shark.
- 浅水湾Repulse Bay
- 鲨鱼种类达250种以上。There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark.
- 沙湾Shawan
- 在那片水域有鲨鱼出没。There are sharks stalking in those waters.
- 湾流Gulf Stream
- 鲨鱼啪嗒一声把嘴合上了.The shark snapped its jaws shut.
- 海盗湾Buccaneer Bay
- 他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead.
- 小湾creek
- 她从船上跌落水中,被鲨鱼咬了。She fell overboard and the sharks got her.
- 鲨鱼以小鱼为食。Sharks feed on smaller fish.