- 鲁棒H2滤波robust H-two filtering
- 衎
- 鲁棒性robustness
- 鲁棒robust
- 鲁棒滤波robust filtering
- 离散不确定系统的优化鲁棒滤波方法及在飞行试验中的应用Optimized Robust Filter for Uncertain Discrete Time System and Its Application to Flight Test
- 鲁棒Kalman滤波robust Kalman filter
- 鲁棒控制robust control
- 数值实验表明:新的AMC法具有更好的“鲁棒”性和效率。The numerical results show that our new AMC method is more robust and efficient.
- 鲁棒PCArobust PCA
- 鲁棒镇定robust stabilization
- 鲁棒稳定robust stability
- 鲁棒优化robust optimization
- 鲁棒估计robust estimation
- 动态鲁棒dynamic robust
- 鲁棒性能robust performance
- 鲁棒设计robust design
- 鲁棒水印robust watermark
- 噪声鲁棒noise robust
- 鲁棒补偿robust compensation