- 高速网络接入技术ADSLHigh Speed Internet Access Technology ADSL
- 一种接入信息高速公路的新技术ADSLADSL: A New Access to the Information Superhighway
- 宽带城域IP网络接入技术和市场发展展望Prospect of Broadband Metro IP Network Access Technology and Marketing Development
- 浅谈现代网络接入技术Modern Network Access Technology
- 孙志刚,男,1973出生,汉族,博士,副研究员,研究方向为网络体系结构和高速网络交换技术。About the teacher: male, was born in 1973, Hans, He is currently a vice professor at Changsha Institute of Technology. His research interests include network structure, advanced network technologies, etc.
- 网络游戏online game
- 基于统计分析的高速网络分布式抽样测量模型Distributed Sampling Measurement Model in a High Speed Network Based on Statistical Analysis
- 高宽带接入技术-ADSLHigh Broadband Access Technology-ADSL
- 无线网络wireless network
- 网络营销network marketing
- 网络安全network security
- 此路由器或交换机不只是一个为网络接入交换机转换七号信号报文的网关。The switch or router is more than just a gateway to translate SS7 messages for the network access switch.
- 有线高速接入技术wire-based high-specd access techniques
- (精通电脑和网络的)高手geek
- 网络购物shopping at network
- 高速动车组引进制动系统技术探讨Discussion of Importing Braking System Technology on High Speed Multiple Units
- 计算机网络技术computer networking technology
- 网络时代cybertimes
- 用于高速光传输系统的色散补偿技术Dispersion Compensation Technology in High-speed Optical Transmission System
- 网络销售network selling