- 高能X射线的硬化校正Beam hardening correction of high energy X-rays
- 某工业库房高能X射线辐射剂量率的计算The Calculation of Radiation Dose Rate of High Energy X-ray in a Industrial Depot
- 基于面阵CCD相机的高能X射线工业CT技术研究Study on the Technology of High Energy X-ray Industrial Computed Tomography Based on Area CCD Cameras
- 大型工业CT中X射线硬化校正的一种方案A project of X-ray hardening correction in large ICT
- 硬化校正beam hardening correction
- 最热的气体(高能X射线,以蓝色表示)主要位于激波波前的后方。The hottest gas (higher-energy X-rays, colored blue) is located primarily in the regions directly behind the shock front.
- 射束硬化校正beam hardening correction
- X射线的发射,包含两种不同的过程。The distinct processes are involved in X-ray emission.
- 基于蒙特卡罗模拟的射束硬化校正方法Beam Hardening Correction Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
- 高能X光high-energy X-ray
- 高能X射线high-energy x-ray
- 基于单成分被测物体的射束硬化校正算法The algorithm study of beam-hardening correction for single material object
- 高能X射线仪sigmatron
- 高能X线High-energy X-ray
- 也许最早被普遍认为是黑洞的物体,是发射X射线的双星天鹅座X-l。Perhaps the first object to be generally recognized as a black hole is the X-ray binary star Cygnus X- 1.
- 高能X光照相High-energy radiography
- 基于原始投影正弦图的X-CT硬化校正Harden correction based on original projection sinogram for X-CT
- 望远镜有三组由中国自行设计和建造的探测器,探测范围涵盖软X射线至伽玛射线的辐射。The telescope consists of three sets of detectors, sensitive to radiation from soft X-ray to g-ray, which are designed and constructed entirely in China.
- 高能X射线成像high-energy X-ray imaging
- 对肺部作X射线摄影to sciagraph the lung