- 高安全PKI系统研究Research on Secure PKI
- 高安全数据库管理系统保护技术的研究与实现Research and Implementation on Protection Technology of High Secure DBMS
- 高安全extra safety
- NPKI-基于嵌套证书的PKI系统NPKI: The PKI System Based on Nested Certificate
- 高可用性安全电子邮件系统研究与设计Research and Design on the High-Availability Secure E-Mail System
- 基于Multi-Agent的技术性贸易壁垒预警预测系统研究与开发Research on Early Warning and Alert System Based on Multi-Agent for Technical Barriers to Trade
- 为了解决电力企业快速发展而造成的信息传输瓶颈和通信成本的大幅攀升,迫切需要一种高安全、高性能、高稳定性、低开销的信息传输解决方案。It is necessary to find a kind of information transmission scheme that possesses security,stability,high performance and low cost,and can avoid the information transmission bottleneck caused by rapid development of the electric power enterprise.
- 遗憾的是,没有一个系统是100%绝对安全的包括我们的货币系统、银行系统以及PKI系统。Unfortunately, no system is 100 percent foolproof - not our monetary system, not the banking system, and not a PKI system.
- 这些图解大部分是建立在微生物和动物系统研究上的。Most of these schemes have been established from studies on microbial and animal systems.
- 新疆融雪洪水预警决策支持系统研究Development about Decision Support System for Snowmelt Flood Prediction of Xinjiang
- 高线飞剪自动控制系统研究与改进Research and improvement on the auto control system of flying shear on the high speed wire rolling line
- 面向对象的管壳式换热器CAD系统研究Objected - oriented research of pipe - shell heat - exchanger CAD system
- 安全电子支付系统研究Research on Secure Electronic Payment System
- 组合智能决策支持系统研究及其应用Development of Combinatorial Intelligentized Decision-Making Support System and Its Utilization in Runoff Forecasting System
- 奶牛发情计算机监测系统研究与开发Development of a computer system for monitoring oestrus of dairy cattle
- 无速度反馈直流双闭环调速系统研究The non-velocity feedback directs current the double closed loop velocity modulation system research
- 基于CAN总线雕刻机器人控制系统研究The study of A engraving robot control system based on CAN bus
- 混合流程生产作业计划管理系统研究The study of production planning and management system on hybrid-process
- 汽车悬架及其控制系统研究动态分析Dynamic Research Analysis of Motor Suspension and its Control System