- 马可·波罗游记the travels of Marco Polo
- 马可 - 波罗游记的出版对欧洲人的想象力产生了深刻影响。The publication of Marco Polo's travels produced a profound effect upon the European imagination.
- 这本书叫《马可·波罗游记》,亦名《东方见闻录》。大多数治学严谨的学者认为,其内容真实可靠。它详细描写了作者旅居中国17年的生活。"Travels of Marco Polo, or Tales from the East as it is sometimes called, is still respected by most serious scholars as truthful records. It describes in great detail the author's 17 years 1275 - 1292) of life in China. "
- 波surge
- 伟大的意大利旅行家马可波罗是威尼斯人,从本城出发前往东方旅行,所著《马可·波罗游记》将中国介绍与欧洲,很有影响力。The great Italian traveller Marco Polo, a native of Venice, set out from the city on his travels to the east. His book, The Travels of Marco Polo, introduced China to Europe and was very influential.
- 马可?波罗和他的旅行Marco Polo and His Travels
- 马可?波罗遍游丝路。Marco Polo traveled all around the Silk Road.
- 马可·波罗行记Travels of Marco Polo
- 波罗蜜jack tree
- 当今的世界,既非丝绸之路时代,亦非马可 - 波罗时代。The world today is no longer the world of the times of the Silk Road or Marco Polo.
- 波罗的语族Baltic group
- 波罗的语系The Baltic language branch.
- 波罗pineapple
- 波罗板Porro tester
- 波罗麻Agave sisalana
- 波罗园pinery
- 波罗洲Borneo
- 波罗棱镜Porro prism
- 波罗双树sal
- 波罗洲的Bornean