- [医] 马利筋属Asclepias L.
- 马利| 马利共和国Mali | Republic of Mali
- 生活在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛的马利雅族人。a member of the Mayan people of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.
- 生活在西南马地危拉的马利雅族人。a member of a Mayan people of SW Guatemala.
- 蝴蝶鱼butterflyfish
- 蝴蝶鱼科Chaetodontidae
- 马刺spur
- 镰状蝴蝶鱼Scythe butterflyfish
- 马的hippic
- 蝴蝶鱼科的一个模式属。type genus of the Chaetodontidae.
- 套利arbitrage
- 蝴蝶鱼;光鲳;银圆鱼。butterfishes: harvest fishes; dollar fishes.
- 达利Dali
- 马大Martha
- 利尿diuresis
- 刺蝶鱼温带海洋里的一种蝴蝶鱼科鱼,色彩鲜艳,体侧扁平A brightly colored fish of the family Chaetodontidae of warm seas,having a laterally compressed body.
- 飞马Pegasus
- 联合利华Uniliver
- 马屁精kiss-ass
- 利大于弊the advantages outweigh the disadvantages