- 新的国际机场将在今年夏天在广州启用,可接待二千五百名旅客,会抢走香港赤?角机场的旅客。A new international airport with a capacity of25 million passengers is opening in Guangzhou this summer to siphon travellers away from the territory's Chap Lap Kok airport.
- 赤?角香港国际机场的客运大楼,包括地面运输中心Passenger Terminal at Hong Kong International Airport in Chek Lap Kok including Ground Transportation Centre
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 赤naked
- 香港国际机场加强安检HK international airport tightens security
- 半角DBC case
- TAF由香港国际机场发出TAF issued by the Hong Kong International Airport
- 飞机降落在旧金山国际机场。The airplane has landed at San Francisco International Airport.
- 丹佛国际机场的特色就是航站的屋顶是用钢杆撑起的白色薄膜。The Denver International Airport features a terminal Building roofed by a white membrane stretched from steel masts.
- 香港需要新的交通网络,以接驳迁往赤苍角的机场及促进东涌新市镇的发展。The relocation of the airport to Chek Lap Kok and the development of the Tung Chung new town required additional road links between Lantau and the urban areas.
- 新桥国际机场Xinqiao International Airport
- 旅客抵达香港国际机场客运大楼Passengers arrive at Passenger Terminal Building, HKIA
- 两江国际机场Liangjiang Airport
- 经过昨天整个晚上的大规模搬迁行动,我们成功把机场设备和器材迁移至赤濸角,新香港国际机场今晨如期投入服务。The new Hong Kong International Airport began service this morning as scheduled,after the successful completion of the overnight move from Kai Tak.
- 澳门国际机场Macao International Airport
- 国际机场/学校/公司an international airport/school/company
- 上海国际机场宾馆Shanghai International Convention Center Hotel
- 首都国际机场线Capital international airport line
- 品味世界著名的丹佛国际机场Introduction of Denver International Airport
- 首尔新国际机场New Seoul lnternational Airport