- 随机Bezier型函数列a series of Bezier random function
- 随机的Bezier型函数列random Bezier functional sequence
- 随机选择函数列的强大数定律On the Strong Laws of Large Numbers for the Sequence of Random Selection Function
- 笔型pen type
- 程序的后半部分包含几个计算型函数。The latter half of the program contains a few computational functions.
- 整型integer
- 对积分一致绝对连续的函数列的拓展讨论On the expansion of integrable uniformly absolutely continuous function sequences
- TC-Bezier基TC-Bezier basis
- 运动型motile
- T-Bezier曲面T-Bezier surface
- 那列快车飞速掠过车站。The express train whizzed past the station.
- 外型尺寸external dimension
- 用有理Bezier曲面生成G~1过渡曲面Generation of G1 Transition Surface with Rational Bezier Surface Patches
- 用几何画板辅助函数列一致收敛性问题的研究Discussion of Uniformly Convergence of Functional Series by the Geometer's Sketchpad
- 板型mplate
- 可验证随机函数VRF
- 迷你型mini
- 文字列[电] text line
- 论述式题型essay type test item
- 他热列地拥抱她。He held her to him in a warm embrace.