- 除草剂Bastaherbicide basta
- 非选择性除草剂Basta对荞麦和莜麦种子萌发的影响Effect of Herbicide Basta on Mature Embryo of Buckwheat and Naked Oats
- 广谱、非选择性除草剂Basta的活性成分是草丁膦(Phosphinothricin)。PPT(Phosphinothricin) is the active composition of broad-spectrum, non-selective hercicide Basta.
- 转Bar基因水稻对以PPT为活性成分的Basta除草剂有明显抗性。The transgenic rice carring Bar gene was identified to high tolarance to the herbicide Basta containing PPT active elements.
- Basta对转基因水稻秧苗叶绿素含量的影响Effects of Basta on Chlorophyll Content in Rice Seedling
- 这种除草剂在潮湿的土壤中分解。This herbicide degrades in moist soil.
- 在Basta含量为1与1?5mg/L筛选培养基上,选择出3个快速增殖并大量再生绿苗的体细胞无性系(Clone),如BarC1、BarC2、BarC3;3 Clones with regenerated capacity were screened out on the media with Basta 1, 2?5mg/L, for example BarC??1?, BarC??2?, BarC??3?.
- 氨磺酸盐除草剂dithiocarbamate herbicide
- 氨基磺酸铵除草剂Ammate
- 苯氧基类除草剂phenoxy herbicide
- 播前除草剂pre-plant herbicide
- 内吸除草剂systemic weedkillers
- 分类除草剂.a systematic weed-killer
- 分子连接性指数估算衍生脲类除草剂的正辛醇-水分配系数Estimation of octanol-water partition coefficients of urea herbicides using molecular connectivity method
- 植物表达载体构建和转基因烟草抗除草剂及耐盐性的分析Construction of Plant Expression Vector and Analysis of Herbicide-resistance and Salt -tolerance of Transgenic Tobacco
- 阿特拉通莠去通除草剂Atratone
- 内吸性除草剂systemic herbicide
- 氰酸钾除草剂Aero cyanate weedkiller
- 燕麦酯除草剂Bidisin
- 抗除草剂herbicide-resistant