- 除了Oikopleura.fusiformis and Oikopleura. spp were rare species.
- 除了蒂娜,再无人照顾他了。There was no one to attend him but Tina.
- 除了法语外,他还得学日语。In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.
- 除了星期天,我们每天都去那儿。We go there every day except Sunday.
- 除了这些废墟什么也不剩。Nothing remains saving these ruins.
- 这篇文章除了拼写以外,其他都不错。The composition is quite good except for the spelling.
- 除了别的话,他还谈了当前的形势。He, among other things, talked about the present situation.
- 狐狸除了皮,旁的全无用。You can have no more of the fox than the skin.
- 除了监禁还有其他办法吗?Are there alternatives to prison?
- 在荒野上除了野草和低矮树丛外什么也没有。There is nothing on the moor but rough grass and low brushes.
- 那里除了仙人掌我们什么也看不到。There we could see nothing but cacti.
- 除了我已经听到的以外,你已没有别的可说了吗?Have you nothing to tell besides what I have already heard?
- 除了我爷爷。Except for my grandfather.
- 除了学校,我们哪儿也没有去。We went nowhere except to school.
- 除了她,谁还有资格?Who,beside her,is qualified?
- 除了头痛之外,你还有没有其他症状?Do you have any other symptoms besides the headache?
- 雇员除了薪水外还持有股份的企业。a partnership in which employees get a share of the profits in addition to their wages.
- 除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果。In addition to dessert, they served fruit for good measure.
- 除了我没有人看到。No one saw it but me.
- 除了那位年轻的法国人以外,他们全都去睡觉了。They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman.