- 阻燃ABS的研制和开发The Study and Exploitag of Flame Retardant ABS
- 石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪的研制和开发The Developments and Advances of Graphite Furnace AAS
- 溴系复配阻燃ABS的制备及性能研究Preparation and Property of Flame Retardant ABS with Brominated Flame Retardants
- 近年来,公司致力于新产品的研制和开发。In recent years, the company pays attention to development and research of new products.
- 溴系阻燃剂阻燃ABS的制备及电性能研究Preparation and Electric Properties of Flame Retardant ABS with Brominated Flame Retardants
- 薄壁金刚石钻头的研制和在电熔锆刚玉耐火材料中的应用Study of electroplated thin-wall diamond core bit and its application for drilling electro-melting zirconcorundum refractory materials
- 研究了有机硅树脂SFR10 0对四溴双酚A双 (2 ,3 -二溴丙基 )醚 (TBAB)阻燃ABS的阻燃性能、冲击强度及电性能的影响。The effect of silicone resin SFR100 on flame retardancy ,impact strength and electrical properties of flame retardant ABS based on tetrabrombisphenol A dis(2,3-dibromopyl)ether(TBAB) was studied.
- 一种新的手助式腹腔镜技术用的手助器的研制和临床评估Study on a New Hand- assisted Device Used in Hand- assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
- 环保阻燃ABSflame retardant and environmental ABS
- 淋浴过滤器的研制和开发An Introduction of the Research on Shower Filter
- 无卤阻燃ABShalogen-free flame retardant ABS
- 三、决明子的科学种植和开发,将给全人类带来巨大效益。The scientific planting and development of cassia seed will bring all human beings huge benefits.
- 这种软件的研制超过5000工作小时,今天我很荣辛地向你们展示它。Over 5,000 hours of work went into this software, and today it's my privilege to bring it to you.
- ABS的阻燃及力学性能研究Studies on the Flame - retardance and Mechanical Properties of ABS Plastics
- 塑料件采用阻燃ABS或PC注塑而成。Plastic made from ABS or PC injection.
- 需求工程过程依赖于应用领域的,涉及人和开发需求的组织The processes used for RE vary widely depending on the application domain, the people involved and the organisation developing the requirements
- 胰岛素泵的研制和进展Development and progress of the insulin pump
- 阻燃ABS有色工程塑料合金的制备及其性能的研究Preparation of flame retardant ABS for special engineering appliances and studies on its properties
- 你在沟通网络社区和开发团队方的信息交流面扮演怎样的角色?SC-Source: What role do you play in the chain of communication between the community and the development team?