- 闸门CADgate CAD
- 露顶式平面钢闸门CAD软件开发Development of CAD software for open fiat plate gate
- 提出闸门CAD/CAM系统应具有优化设计、有限元分析、参数设计、自动绘图和计算机辅助制造等功能,由此开发设计了闸阀CAD/CAM系统。It is proposed that the gate valve CAD/CAM system should have the functions of optimum design,finite element analysis, parameterized design, autodrawing and computer aided manufacturing,thereby a gate valve CAD/CAM system is developed.
- 闸门strobe
- 卷闸门shutter door
- CADCAD(Computer Aided Design)
- E-cadE-cad
- 船闸管理员关上了闸门。The lock keeper closed the lock gate.
- CAD图CAD graph
- 平板闸门bulkhead gate
- 他们打开水库的闸门。They open the sluice gates of reservoir.
- 车身CADauto body CAD
- 安全闸门guard gate
- 纸盒CADcarton CAD
- 人字闸门miter gate
- 电路CADcircuitry CAD
- 弧形闸门tainter valve
- CAD产品computer-aided design (CAD) product
- 坝顶闸门crest gate