- 闭合性Monteggia骨折Closed Monteggia's fracture
- 小儿高位Monteggia骨折亦称Hume骨折。High Monteggia fracture is also called Hume fracture.
- Monteggia骨折/外科学monteggia's fracture/surgery
- 四肢闭合性骨折limbs closed fracture
- 其他掌骨基部闭合性骨折Closed fracture of base of other metacarpal bone
- 闭合性骨折closed fracture
- 闭合性损伤closed wound
- 闭合性脑损伤closed injury of brain
- 闭合性closed
- 闭合性颈椎骨折脱位并发椎动脉损伤的机制及影像学诊断Mechanism and imaging diagnosis of closed cervical vertebral fractures and dislocation complicated by vertebral artery
- 闭合性伤closed injury
- 闭合性因素factor of closure
- 闭合性鼻音[医] rhinolalia clausa
- 闭合性活检closed biopsy
- 闭合性截肢closed amputation
- 闭合性脱位closed dislocation
- 腹部闭合性Abdomen
- 闭合性创伤Blunt injury
- 闭合性治疗Close treatment
- 闭合性手术Closed operation