- 门机直流可逆PWM控制DC PWM Reversible Control for Machine Door
- 机machine
- 三相可逆PWM整流器无相位检测控制研究Study of on Three-phase Reversible PWM Rectifier without Phase Angle Detection
- 门door
- PWM直流可逆调速系统在电渣熔铸中应用PWM D.C.Speed-regulating Servosystem Used for the Automatic Feeding of Consumable Electrode in ESC
- VC443A 牵伸加捻机直流控制系统的改进Improvement on DC Control System of VC 443A Draw-Twist Machine
- 脱机off-line
- 龙门刨直流可逆控制系统的研制与应用Study and Application of DC Current Returnable Control System on Portal Planer
- 出门be away from home
- 门的portal
- 硬度机直流传动数字化研究Research on DC Drive Digitalization for Sclerometer Machine
- 直流可逆电机DC reversible electromotor
- 离心力在遥控电动卷帘门机中的应用Application of Remote Controlling the Centrifugal Force in the Electrical Machinery Rolling Screen Door Machine
- PWM控制PWM control
- 直流可逆磁放大器DC reversible magnetic amplifier
- MC尼龙在门机滑轮轴套上的替代应用Substitution of MC Nylon on the Pulley Sleeve in Portal Crane
- 直流可逆变速电动机DC reversible variable speed motor
- 一种三相五电平电流型逆变器拓扑及其PWM控制方法的研究Research on Topology and PWM Control Method of a Three-phase Five-level Current-source Inverter
- 高频疲劳机直流伺服系统设计A design for system of high-frequency tired DC servo motor
- 双PWM控制Double PWM control