- 金融状况指数FCIfinancial condition Index
- 委员会成员审阅一份根据估算的货币状况指数来评估中国内地货币与金融状况的实证架构文件。Members considered a paper presenting an empirical framework for assessing monetary and financial conditions in Mainland China by estimating a monetary conditions index.
- 金融形势指数FCIFinancial Conditions Indices
- 因此,委员会成员留意到货币状况指数只应作为货币与金融状况指标,而不应用作评估货币政策立场。They therefore observed that the MCI should be viewed exclusively as an indicator of monetary and financial conditions, rather than a measure of monetary policy stance.
- 状况condition
- 指数index
- 身体状况指数body condition index
- 财务状况financial position
- fci (接口编码信息)表支持 MSC 间的越区切换。The fci (Face Code Information) form supports inter-MSC handoffs.
- 上证指数Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 倘若银行金融状况的稳健性需经考验,那么市场已选择了一个良好的时机进行检验。If the solidity of bank finances is to be tested, the markets have chosen a good time to do so.
- 控制 MSC/DCS 的 ESID 识别该 fci 表中的边界小区。The ESID for the controlling MSC/DCS identifies the border cells on the fci form.
- 指数的exponential
- 运行状况operational state
- FCI公司位于美国波士顿市,毗邻世界著名的学府哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。Fire Control Instruments, Inc. (FCI) is located in Boston, and neighbor to the worldwide famous Harvard University and MIT.
- 状况良好in order
- 武装抢劫犯在金融区内横冲直撞胡作非为。The armed robbers rampaged through the financial district.
- 指数函数quantity in the exponent
- 目的:探讨多参数流式细胞免疫表型分析(FCI)在淋巴瘤诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用价值;Objective: To investigate the value of flow cytometric immunophenotyping (FCI) in thediagnosis and differentiated diagnosis of lymphoma.
- 我不自诩有金融方面的专门知识。I make no pretensions to expert Knowledge of financial matters.