- 无尘纸Air-laid paper
- 可生产吸收体为无尘纸或绒毛浆卫生巾。棉芯包裹成型。It can produce stereo-protection sanitary napkin with air-laid paper and fluffy pulp as absorbent material. cotton core is molding in package type.
- 浅谈用于擦试巾的无尘纸和水刺法非织造布Discussion about the Application of Dust Free Paper Spunlaced Nonwovens Used as Wiper
- 无none
- 无法unable
- 纸paper
- 无标题no title
- 适应卫生纸,无尘纸,无纺布等材料的分切复卷。复卷松紧度可调。It is suitable for the cutting and rewinding of material, such as, toilet paper, non-woven fabric, air-laid paper and so on, with adjustable tightness of rewinding.
- 尘dust
- 贴纸paster
- 无需dispense with
- 无人unmanned
- 无格式plain
- 无主dereliction
- 销售商品:粘尘布,手动粘尘纸辘,粘尘纸本,机用清洁纸卷,牛皮纸,电解铜箔Dust Sticky Clean Cloth, Manual Dust Sticky Paper Roller, Cleaning Paper
- 无名nameless
- 无情pitiless
- 无忧without cause for grief
- 无纺布non-woven fabrics
- 无限制limitless