- 量子化Borcherds超代数quantized Borcherds superalgebra
- 1995年,Georgia Benkart等构造了Borcherds超代数的量子化包络代数。In 1995, Georgia Benkart etc. constructed quantum deformations of enveloping algebra of Borcherds superalgebra.
- 在第二章中,我们对两类黑洞进行了正则量子化并给出其de Broglie-Bohm解释。In the second chapter, we made canonical quantization and de Broglie-Bohm interpretation on two kinds of black holes.
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 模块化modularize
- 超短ultrashort
- 含有超导约瑟夫森结介观互感电路的量子化及其量子效应Quantization of mesoscopic mutual inductance coupling circuit with superconducting Josephson junctions and their quantum effects
- 单结合超代数associative superalgebra
- 磷酸化phosphorylation
- 超酷super-cool
- 美国化Americanization
- 顶点算子超代数Vertex operator superalgebras
- 参数化parameterize
- 内化internalization
- 模式化hipping
- 标准嵌入李超代数The standard imbedding Lie superalgebra
- 玻璃化vitrification
- 正则量子化canonical quantization
- 皂化saponification
- 超微粒子的量子阻尼振动理论Theory of Quantum Damped Oscillation for Ultrafine Particles