- 野生莲资源的RAPD分析Analysis of Wild Lotus with RAPD Markers
- 野生莲wild lotus
- 资源resources
- 樱桃品种资源间遗传差异的RAPD分析RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Differences among Several Cherry Varieties
- 广西黄花倒水莲资源调查及总皂苷含量比较Resources investigation and determination of total saponin content in Polygala fallax from Guangxi
- 重金属污染下曼陀罗种群分化的RAPD分析Differentiation in Datura stramonium L. Populations exposed to heavy-metal pollution at different durations: RAPD analysis
- 资源管理器explorer
- 对有限资源的多机系统或多重处理的使用优先权的管理。Management of competing claims of multiple systems or processes for a limited resource.
- 他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给|资源的开发和就业的机会。"They fail to recognize that our population is increasing faster than the supply of food, available resources and job opportunities."
- 五种麻黄亲缘关系的RAPD分析Relationship analysis of five species in the genus Ephedra L. By RAPD
- 最重要的是那些旨在增加国内积累和更有效的分配、利用资源的政策措施。Of primary importance will be policy measures designed to increase domestic savings and to allocate and utilize resources more efficiently.
- 甜樱桃品种及其砧木的RAPD分析RAPD Analysis of Prunus avium L. Varieties and Their Rootstocks
- 石门县野生果树资源的研究Research about Wild Fruit Tree Resources in Shimen
- 洋葱细胞质雄性不育系70及其保持系71基因组DNA的RAPD分析RAPD Analysis of the Genomic DNA of CMS Line 70 and Its Maintainer Line 71 in Onion
- 成熟叶用改良CTAB法提取也可得到适于RAPD分析的DNA;The DNA from mature leave extracted only by improved CTAB method could be suitable for RAPD analysis.
- 湖南省野生果树资源的研究A Study of Wild Fruit Resources in Hunan Province
- 关于有色金属矿产资源的开发利用及其与环境问题的思考A consideration on the exploitation and environmental protection of mineral resources of non-ferrous metals
- RAPD分析RAPD analysis
- 滇南野生灯台树资源的调查An Investigation on the Distribution of Wild Alstonia scholaris Resources in Southern Yunnan Province