- 遥控X线(照)片teleoroentgenogram; teleroentgenogram
- 遥控X线片teleoroentgenogram; teleroentgenogram
- 遥控X线机remote-controlled x-ray unit; tele-radiographic unit; teleoroentgenograph; teleroentgenograph
- 在线in-line
- 遥控X线摄影teleoroentgenograhy; teleroentgenography
- 遥控X线照片teleoroentgenogram; teleroentgenogram
- 数码根尖片X线投照角度对诊断牙根吸收的影响研究Effect of different X-ray projection angles on digital periapical films to diagnose the root absorption
- 遥控X线摄影术teleoroentgenograhy; teleroentgenography
- X线摄片X-ray photography
- 一种遥控X线机Futuralix
- X线片的骨骼年龄判定The bone age estimation with X-ray plate
- 遥控X线诊断机remote-controlled x-ray unit
- X线(照)片roentgenogram
- 遥控X线摄影(术)teleoroentgenograhy; teleroentgenography
- X线胸片架X-ray chest stand
- 腺X线(照)片adenogram
- 遥控X线透视检查teleradioscopy
- 数字X线片digital radiology(DR)
- 无暗盒遥控X线诊断床Magnascope
- 牙X线(照)片odontoradiogram