- 逼近Srnarandache函数pseudo smarandache function
- 函数类逼近approximation of the class of functions
- 函数逼近论初探Discussion on Approximation of Function
- 战争的阴影逼近了。The specter of war loomed ahead.
- 双曲线函数之余弦hyperbolic cosine.
- 仿样[样条]逼近spline approximation
- 动力学系统函数寻优functional optimization of dynamic systems
- 那个疯子拿着一把刀朝我们逼近。The mad man came at us with a knife.
- 使y等于此函数。Place y equal to the function.
- 他面临逼近的死亡。He was faced with imminent death.
- 解析函数项级数series of analytic functions
- 敌军开始逼近。The enemy began to close in.
- 设定一个量或一个函数的可能取值范围。To set values that a quantity or function may take.
- 无定义点函数没有定义的一点A point at which a function is undefined.
- 向敌舰逼近approachthe enemy ship
- 函数集合之间的函数。(mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions.
- 逼近阶degree of approximation
- V函数V function
- 超逼近superclose
- Q函数Q function