- 速效Pavailable P
- ASI与常规方法测定土壤养分速效P·K·Cu·Zn的相关性研究Compared Study on the Correlation of ASI Method and Conventional Analysis Method in the Determination of Available Soil P,K,Cu and Zn in the Soil in Xuancheng
- 采用Bowman和Cole提出的有机P分组方法,对长期施肥条件下土壤有机P的组成变化以及有机P及其组分与有机质、速效P的关系进行研究。Variation of soil organic phosphorus fractions, and relationship of organic P and its fractions, with soil organic matter and readily available P were studied with Bowman-Cole method.
- 土壤速效P出现富集的转折点因供试土壤而异,第三纪红壤性水稻土大致为P2O560~120mg/kg,而第四纪红壤性水稻土和黄泥土为P2O5120~180mg/kg。The enriching point of available P depended on soil types, being P2O5 60 ~ 120 mg/kg in the paddy soil derived from Tertiary red sandstone, and P2O5 120 ~ 180 mg/kg in the paddy soils from Quaternary red clay and loess-like lake sediment.
- 速效quick results
- "pin"中"p"的送气发音the aspiration of "p" in "pin"
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- p-n 结p-n junction
- Pphosphorus (P)
- 速效肥料readily avaiable fertilizer
- P圈P-cycle
- 速效镇静药a fast-acting tranquillizing drug
- P型p-type
- 速效牛黄丸quick-acting cow-bezoar bolus
- P光p-component
- 速效显影液quick-acting developer
- P群p-group
- P肥K fertilizer
- N/PN/P
- P态P state