- 递阶T-S模糊系统hierarchical T-S fuzzy system
- 零阶T-S模糊模型zero-order T-S fuzzy model
- 广义递阶Mamdani模糊系统generalized hierarchical Mamdani fitzzy systems
- T-S模糊系统T-S fuzzy system
- 递to hand over
- 模糊vague
- 大系统递阶控制理论hierarchical control theory of largescale systems
- 广义T-S模糊系统T-S fuzzy descriptor systems
- 递阶控制最优化方法optimization methods for hierarchical control
- 递阶hierachical
- 关于T-S模糊系统稳定性的一个代数判据An Algebraic Stability Criterion for T-S Fuzzy Systems
- 基于粗糙集的T-S模糊神经网络在回转窑烧结过程中的应用A T-S Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Rough Sets and Its Application to Rotary Kiln Sintering Process
- 递阶优化hierarchical optimization
- 基于多车道交通流动态离散模型的递阶优化控制问题与算法Hierarchical optimal control problem and its algorithm based on traffic flow discrete model in multilane freeway
- 模糊系统fuzzy system
- 递阶软对策Two-level drama
- 模糊系统是模拟人类思维、执行智能信息处理的有效工具。Fuzzy systems are efficient tools to simulate the human thinking and execute intelligent information processing.
- 递阶分布式distributed control system
- T-S模糊神经系统T-S fuzzy neural network model
- 高新技术改造广西传统农业问题的模糊系统诊断模型分析FIAT Analysis on Using Hi-Tech to Reconstruct Traditional Agriculture in Guangxi