- 逐次比较D/A转换器Succesive approximation A/D converter
- A亚群Subgroup A
- 洒水的草比较绿。The grass is always greener. When you leave the sprinkler on.
- 取阀罩外径D_2=D_B-1.5;take the bonnet outside diameter D_2= D_B- 1.5;
- 齐次A子模homogeneous A-submodule
- 施肥的草比较绿原谚语是。The grass is always greener. When you put manure on it.
- D级抽油杆用钢断裂韧性的评定Evaluation of fracture toughness of API Class D sucker rods
- 小麦A淀粉wheat starch A
- 梅花花粉生活力的测定和比较Determination and Comparison of Pollen Activity in Prunus mume
- 方阵A的行列式Determinant of the square matrix A
- 谁的头发比较长/短/最长/短?Eunice:whose hair is longer/shorter(longest/shortest)?
- 联合利用D-山梨醇清除率和超声多普勒评估肝储备功能初探Evaluation of liver functional reserve by clearance rate of D-sorbitol and Dop pler sonography
- 环孢素A血药浓度whole blood concentration of cyclosporine A
- 獒肉与狗肉营养价值的测定与比较Determination and comparison of tibetan mastiff flesh and local dog flesh
- 3-D组合阵中湍流发展的数值模式第一部分:高分辨雷诺平均纳维斯托克斯方法Numerical Modelling of the Turbulent Flow Developing Within and Over a 3-D Building Array, Part I: A High-Resolution Reynolds-Averaged Navier - Stokes Approach
- 涤纶短纤维含油率测试方法的比较Determination method comparison for finish oil content of PET staple fiber
- 应用EP10-A对Bayer脱氧吡啶酚试剂盒的评价Evaluation of Bayer deoxypyridinoline kit according to EP10-A
- 是一套比较权威的数值计算程序库Numerical Recipes is a relatively authoritative numerical calculation program library.
- 陈泽智.火花点火沼气发动机燃烧过程模拟与工作性能的研究[D].浙江大学学位论文,1997.Evans R L.Combustion chamber design for a lean-Burn SI engine[D]. SAE Paper 921545.
- 高效液相色谱法测定大鼠组织中双酚A和4-壬基酚浓度Determination of Bisphenol A and 4-Nonylphenol in Rat Tissues by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection