- 选择式ARQselective-auto repeat request
- 全双工自适应选择式ARQ协议设计Design and Realization of Self - adaptive Duplex Selective ARQ Protocol
- 选择式ARQ协议自适应措施的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Self-adaptive Mechanism for ARQ Protocol
- 文中在标准全双工选择式ARQ滑动窗口协议的基础上设计了一种具有多种自适应措施的全双工选择式ARQ协议,并在此设计的基础上给出了相应的算法。In this paper, a self - adaptive full - duplex selective ARQ protocol and its corresponding algorithm were presented for the wireless long distance point - to - point communications.
- 等待式ARQwaiting ARQ
- 强迫选择式forced
- 参数选择preferences
- 美式英语American English
- 菜单选择式menu selection mode
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 菜单选择menu selection
- 针式打印机stylus printer
- 自由选择freedom of choice
- 招式movements in martial arts
- 职业选择career choice
- 流式细胞仪flow cytometry
- 有选择的selectively
- 板式换热器plate exchanger
- 这一选择欠考虑。It was an unwise choice.
- 整体式integral type