- 逆高斯OU过程IG-OU process
- 逆高斯inverse Gaussian
- 正态逆高斯扩散normal inverse Gaussian diffusion
- OU过程Ornstein - Uhlenbeek process
- 逆高斯分布参数的估计The Estimation of Inverse Gaussian Distribution Parameters
- 过程process
- 斯this
- 复合Poisson-逆高斯分布compound Poisson-inverse gaussian distribution
- 流域汇流计算的逆高斯分布模型An Inverse Gaussian distribution model for computation of watershed flow concentration
- 一类逆高次伴随矩阵及其特征值的研究Study on a Class of Inverting Higher Degree Adjoint Matrix and Eigenvalues
- 高次伴随矩阵与逆高次伴随矩阵及其特征根Adjoionted Matrix And Characteristic Root
- 多输入单输出逆高斯分布流域汇流模型Inverse Gauss Distribution Watershed Concentration Model with Multple Input and Single Output
- 高斯线形Gaussian line shape
- 平稳高斯过程stationary Gaussian process
- 高斯截短曲线truncated Gaussian
- 高斯光学Gaussian optics
- 北高斯megagauss
- 高斯势Gauss potential
- 高斯算术平均定律Gauss law of the arithmetic mean
- 地磁场高斯理论Gauss theory of geomagnetic field