- 近Pareto最佳推理映射approximate pareto optimal reasoning mapping
- 近义词near synonym
- 这是一项基于谬误推理之声明。This is a statement based on fallacy.
- 诗歌借助暗示联想达到最佳意境。Poetry achieves its finest effects by suggestion.
- 渐近正则映射对的不动点Fixed Points of a Pair of Asymptotically Regular Mappings
- 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。At this point your logic is at fault.
- 最佳作家a writer than whom there is none finer
- 我侄子住得离我家很近。My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house.
- 凹映射concave mapping
- 给最佳论文授奖to award a prize for the best essay
- 那是他推理中唯一的薄弱环节。That is the only weak link in his reasoning.
- 【谚】离教堂越近,离上帝越远。The nearer the church, the farther from God.
- 包含映射inclusion mapping
- 你的推理似乎很抽象。Your reasoning seems very abstract.
- 目前是造访巴黎的最佳时节。Now is the best time to visit Paris.
- 我一直强烈地意识到她离我很近。All the while I was acutely aware of her nearness.
- μ保角映射μ-conformal mapping
- 他严谨的推理给我留下了深刻的印象。I was impressed by his severe reasoning.
- 这家公司是我们的最佳客户。The company is our best account.
- 他在近距离开了枪。He fired the gun from point-blank range.