- 近似反演投影AIMapproximate inverse mapping
- WTW反演WTW inversion
- 面波反演Surface wave inversion
- 反恐anti-terrorism
- T2谱反演T2 spectrum
- 反义antonymy
- 哈姆雷特被他演糟了。Hamlet was poorly rendered by him.
- 他们演了一出音乐剧。They performed a musical play.
- 辗转反侧toss and turn restlessly (in bed)
- 反病毒anti-virus
- 动态滤波反投影active filter linear back projection
- 农民们造贪官污吏的反。The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.
- 走时反演Travehime inversion
- 快速反投影与变换方法CT图象重建Fast Backprojection and Transform Methods for CT Image Reconstruction
- 水温反演Water temperature inverse
- 反演精度accuracy of inversion
- 源项反演advection-dispersion equation
- 氨反演跃迁ammonia inversion transition
- 变量反演inversion of variables
- WT反演WT inversion