- 达文西密码DVD豪华版The Da Vinci Code Deluxe DVD Boxset
- 打碎达文西密码Breaking The Da Vinci Code
- 在达文西密码的中心部分,连登和堤兵教育苏菲有关这个前提。In a central section of The Da Vinci Code, Langdon and Teabing educate Sophie about this premise.
- 活动内容:破解达文西密码。现场备有点心,讲座后有练习英语会话的时间。What: Unravel the Da Vinci Code, enjoy snacks& refreshments while practicing everyday conversational English.
- 达文西密码的主要人物是玛丽、德琳。依照小说内容,马达琳是耶稣的使徒,而且也是圣杯。The main character of the Da Vinci Code is Mary Magdalene. According to the novel, the“ Magdalene” was the apostle of Jesus and the Holy Grail.
- 有些人也许会取笑梵谛冈慢动作,怎麽等到全世界都看过《达文西密码》之后,才终于出来谴责《达文西密码》。Some may mock the Vatican for waiting until everyone on earth has read "The Da Vinci Code" to denounce "The Da Vinci Code."
- 据说达文西将抹大拉马利亚真实身份的线索藏在他的名画DaVinci supposedly hid clues to Mary Magdalene's true identity in his masterpiece
- 宽幅面PS版wide PS plates
- 达文西密码:杰作或浪费时间?The Da Vinci Code: Masterpiece or waste of time?
- "西福特" 卫星West Ford
- 他齐西Tazicef
- 于是,格兰瑟姆这间杂货铺简直就成了英国版的林肯小木屋;而当她当上首相以后,她的父亲,艾尔德曼·阿尔弗雷德·罗伯茨更被神化成为这个小城里的苏格拉底式的人物。The grocery became a British equivalent of Lincoln's log cabin; and by the time she became prime minister her father, Alderman Alfred Roberts, was mythologized as a small-town Socrates.
- 如果设备达不到议定的规格质量,我们将负责掉换。If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality,we will undertake to replace them.
- 他卡西醇Tacalcitol
- 文字,是我们这行业的利器。文字在意念的表达中,注入热情和灵魂。The grist for our mill is still words. Words as they put the sock and soul into the expression of ideas.
- 受害者绝大多数是女性,有多达一半是儿童和青少年。The great majority of victims are female and as many as half are children and teenagers.
- 他卡西妥tacalcitol<抗银屑病药>
- 塔西草碱[医] chlorostigmine
- 如果报文接收方也能肯定公开密钥属于正确的发送者,文档也能被认为是可信的。If the message recipient is also certain that the public key belongs to the right sender,the document can be considered authentic.
- 塔唑西林tazocillinocin