- 轻量级J2EElightweight J2EE
- 轻量级J2EE体系结构lightweight J2EE architecture
- 基于hibernate的轻量级J2EE架构J2EE Overhead Construction Based on Hibernate Lightweight
- 提出一种基于开放源代码Mu le ESB和XF ire的轻量级J2EE架构以组建具有SOA特性的电子商务集成系统。This paper presents a lightweight J2EE architecture based on open source software Mule ESB and XFire SOAP framework for building an E-commerce integration system with the methodology of SOA.
- J2EE框架J2EE framework
- J2EE集群J2EE cluster
- Spring是近来出现的一个使用POJO(纯粹Java对象),以控制倒置(IoC)原则和面向方面编程思想(AOP)为基础的轻量级J2EE开发框架。Recently,there is a lightweight framework called Spring that is based upon the theoretics of Ioc and AOP. It uses POJO to build the J2EE application.
- J2EE通用平台common platform of J2EE
- J2EE应用程序J2EE application
- 轻量级lightweight
- J2EE多层架构J2EE multi-layer architecture
- 系统实现采用业界主流的Struts+Hibernate+Spring轻量级J2EE架构,并借助XML-RPC解决资源目录中心和分布式资源库节点之间的信息同步问题。The system has adopted Struts+Hibernate+Spring light J2EE framework,which is the mainstream in the industry. The problems of information synchronization between resource directory center and distributed resources nodes are solved with the support from XML-RPC technology.
- J2EE静态模型J2EE static model
- J2EE体系结构下信息系统的分析与部署Analysis and Deployment of Information System Based on J2EE
- 基于J2EE的IPTV Boss系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of IPTV Boss System Basedon J2EE Framework
- 什么是轻量级方法?What is a Lightweight Methodology?
- 基于J2EE的文献资料全文检索系统的开发The Development of Document Library Full-Text Search System Based on J2EE
- 作为轻量级拳击手,他的技术是第一流的。As a lightweight his skill is of the highest order.
- 提出了基于J2EE分布事务处理编程模型。The programming model of DTP on J2EE is presented.
- 欧洲轻量级拳击冠军.the European lightweight champion