- 超I临界流体提取supercritical fluid extraction
- 超临界流体技术Supercritical fluids technology
- 超overtake
- 均匀设计法对超临界流体提取金边瑞香鲜花条件的优化(英文)Even-designed method in optimizing conditions of Supercritical Fluid Extraction to Jin Bian Rui Xiang(Daphne odora Thurrb)fresh flowers
- 提取(v) extract; refine
- 超临界流体提取supercritical fluid extraction
- 超链接hyperlink
- 超值overflow
- 超临界流体提取法supercritical - CO2 fluid extraition
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 目的 :研究超临界CO2 流体提取 (SFE)金边瑞香鲜花中有效成分的最佳条件。Objective: To study the best condition of extracting effective component in Daphne odora Thurrb fresh flower by CO 2 supercritical fluid extraction(SFE).
- 文摘:介绍了近年来铀提取方面的技术进展,包括提铀新工艺:超临界co2流体提取铀,杯芳烃提铀,毛细管电泳分离铀,振荡法萃取铀;各国新型萃取剂和吸附剂的应用及三废治理。Abstract: Technical progress of uranium extraction in recent years is introduced, including new processes such as uranium extraction by supercritical CO2 fluid, calixarene, capillary electrophoresis, oscillation; application of novel extractants and absorbents; and three wastes disposal.
- 超临界CO2流体supercritical CO2 fluid
- CO2超临界流体CO2 supercritical fluids
- 超临界流体干燥supercritical fluid drying
- 超临界提取Fluid extraction
- 超临界流体色谱supercritical fluid chromatography
- 超临界CO2提取SFE-CO2
- 超临界流体染色supercritical fluid dyeing
- 富CO2超临界流体CO2-rich supercritical fluids