- 超细OAK木炭及竹炭粉superfine oak charkcoal
- 超细气流粉碎分级系统产品粒径的确定与控制Determination and Control of Product Size for a Ultrafine Milling-Classifying Closed Loop System
- 涂料研磨细度的判定及注意事项Determination and Notes for Grinding Fineness of Coatings
- "从罐子里倒粉出来要轻点。我们不得搞得满屋都是粉。""Knock the powder out of the tin gently. We don't want it all over the room."
- 次粉wheat shorts
- 超低音SubWoof
- 原子核物理及核技术Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Techniques
- 全小麦粉wheat powder
- 超微孔二氧化硅Sub-mesostructure silica
- 岩土锚固力的确定及应用Determination and Application of Rock and Soil Anchoring Force
- 级别也不错啊,期待细图。The grade is quite good, expecting the fine pics.
- 小麦次粉wheat short
- 亚临界和超临界萃取Subcritical and supercritical leaching
- 超导元素及合金和化合物superconducting elements, alloys and compounds
- 沥青混合料的细观结构分析软件Sub-Microstructure Analysis System of Asphalt Concrete (MASAC)
- 顾客满意目标的确定及测评Determination and Measurement of Consumer Satisfaction Aim
- 煤粉颗粒群着火和燃烧过程的数值模拟Numerical Analysis of Ignition and Combustion of Pulverized Coal Particle Cloud
- 超精密空气静压主轴静态性能的数值分析Numerical Analysis of Static Performance for Ultra Precision Spindle Supporting by the Aerostatic Bearing
- 欧盟类比国制度及应对策略European Union Analogue Country System and Countermeasures
- 复杂曲面花瓣燃烧器煤粉燃烧数值分析Numerical Analysis of the Petal Swirl Burner With Complex Geometry Configuration for Pulverized Coal