- 豹纹木盍蛾Zeuzera sp.
- 豹纹木蠹蛾生物学特性及防治研究初报。Preliminary Report on Biological Characteristics and Control of Zeuzera sp.
- 兵military
- 设计和售卖圭亚那猪的宠物服装,品种从豹纹衣服到带驯鹿帽子的外套。Carly Austin-Kukowski designs and sells guinea pig gear ranging from leopard-print dresses to elf costumes with reindeer hats.
- 底纹shading
- 豹panther
- 纹line
- 雇佣兵lansquenet
- 鲶silurid
- 纹身tattoo
- 佣兵mercenary
- 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber.
- 草木皆兵be in a state of extreme nervousness
- 鳗鲶eel cat
- 电鲶raad
- 枪兵pikeman
- 海鲶sea catfish
- 在婆罗州有一种新的美洲豹在热带雨林中被发现.此豹隐居,并以它身上的云状豹纹图案和毛来命名.There is a new species of leopard out there in the rainforest of Borneo. The clouded leopard is secretive and gets its name from the cloud-shaped patterns on its fur.
- 兵不厌诈there can never be too much deception in war
- 黄鲶Silnrus asotus