- 计算机X线断层扫描CR scanning
- 计算机X线断层照像术Computed tomography
- 三维计算机X线断层照像术three- dimensional computed tomography
- 增强计算机X线断层成像扫描enhancement CT scanning
- X线断层扫描sectional x-rays scanning
- 脑电子计算机X射线断层扫描head CT scanning
- 计算机X线片骨放射密度法在蛋鸡骨质疏松症研究中的应用Application of the bone radiography density method with computer-assisted X-ray film to osteoporosis research in hens
- 计算机放射摄影术,计算机X线摄影术computed radiography(CR)
- 电子计算机X线轴向断层扫描computerized axial tomographic scanning
- X线断层成像computed tomography
- 计算机放射摄影(术), 计算机X线摄影(术)computed radiography(CR)
- 先进的双模式电子计算机X射线断层扫描机advanced dual-mode computerized tomographic unit
- X线断层显像术Tomography
- 计算机X线摄影computed radiography(CR)
- (=tomogram) X线体层照片,X线断层照片tomo.
- 计算机X线摄影术computed radiography; CR
- 计算机X线层扫描术computer tomography
- 计算机X线密度测量computed X-ray densitometry; CDX
- 计算机X线摄影(术)computed radiography(CR)
- 它不使用对人体有害的X线和易引起过敏反应的造影剂,不但可以做横断层扫描,还可以做冠状面与矢状面断层,这样可更精确判定疾病的部位。It does not use harmful to human body X line and easy the radiography agent that causes allergic reaction, not only can do traverse layer to scan, still can do coronal-plane and fault of arrowy shape face, can judge the place of the disease more accurately so.