- 行人Agentpedestrian Agent
- 行人pedestrian
- 非交通高峰时间一段时间,在这段时间内车辆和行人都少A period of time during which motor vehicular and pedestrian traffic is light.
- 这条路上行人车辆太多了。There is too much traffic on the road.
- 暴风雪使车辆行人大大减少。The snowstorm caused traffic to fall away sharply.
- 路上的行人渐渐少了。The number of pedestrians gradually dwindled.
- 炸弹爆炸的强劲气流把两个行人刮到街的另一边去了。The bomb blast blew two passers-by across the street.
- 使车辆行人绕行to divert the traffic
- 拦劫行人Hold up a pedestrian
- 行人对快速行驶的车辆必须十分小心。Travelers must beware of fast traffic.
- 路标通常放置在十字路口,安有为行人指明方向的路牌的柱子A post with a sign giving directions for travelers, usually placed at a crossroad.
- 这条街从早到晚行人车辆很多。The street is full of traffic from morning till night.
- 全是行人车辆。It's all the traffic.
- 行人沿着岩石小道慢慢往上走.The walkers were making slow progress up the rocky path.
- 城市的街道上满是行人车辆。The city streets are full of traffic.
- 行人车辆很多的街道a heavily trafficked street
- 街上行人熙攘。The streets are full of passengers.
- 行人流量pedestrian flow
- 行人信道pedestrian link
- 行人道路pedestrian road