- 氨基酸主成分分析法及在蛋白质结构预测中的应用Amino Acid Principal Component Analysis for Protein Structural Study and Its Application in Structure Prediction
- 模拟退火算法的一种改进及其在蛋白质结构预测中的应用An Improvement of Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Its Application to Protein Structure Prediction
- 法law
- 低同源性蛋白质结构预测Low Homologous Protein Structure Prediction
- 无法unable
- 结构structure
- 用法usage
- 一个有效的蛋白质结构预测评分函数Effective scoring function for protein structure prediction
- 蛋白质结构预测protein structure prediction
- 蛋白质序列信息的提取与蛋白质结构预测Extracting Protein Sequence Information and Protein Structure Prediction
- 两类藻毒素聚酮合成酶遗传相似性及其二级结构预测分析Genetic similarity and secondary structure prediction of two cyanobacterial toxins'polyketide synthetases
- 蛋白质结构类protein structural classes
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- 蛋白质结构域protein domain
- RNA结构预测RNA structure prediction
- 蛋白质结构比对protein structure alignment
- 男子自由体操套路结构分析及2000年奥运会金牌套路结构预测Viewpoints on Routine Movement Structure in Men's Free Exercises for Winninng Gold Medal in 2000 Olympic Games
- 蛋白质结构分析protein strueture comparison
- 沙丘芦苇胸腺嘧啶二磷酸葡萄糖脱水酶的序列分析与结构预测Sequences Analysis and Structure Prediction for Phragmites communis dTDP-D Glucose Dehydratase
- 蛋白质结构变化proteinstrueture switeh