- 虚拟VPN技术virtual VPN technology
- VPN技术与应用模式研究The Study in VPN Technic and Its Application Mode
- VPN技术在校园网上的应用VPN Technology Application in Campus Network
- 虚拟virtual
- 如何利用VPN技术搭建校际间互通How to Avail itself of VPN Technology to Build Intercommunication among Schools
- VPN技术的研究与应用现状及发展趋势The State of the Art and Developing Trend for the Researchesand Applications of VPN Technology
- 虚拟语气subjunctive
- 虚拟的dummy
- 基于IP的VPN技术在远程诊断系统中的应用研究Research of Application of VPN Technology Based-on IP in Remote Diagnosis Systems
- 虚拟机VM
- 虚拟内存virtual memory
- 虚拟光驱virtual drive
- 在使用NAT设备的环境中应用VPN技术,必须解决IPsec和NAT的不兼容性问题。To deploy VPN in the circumstance of NAT devices, you must deal with the incompatibility between IPsec and NAT.
- 虚拟化virtualization
- 虚拟现实virtual reality
- 虚拟主机fictitious host computer
- 虚拟世界virtual world
- 本文简要介绍了一种通过公共网络来建立自己的专用网络的技术VPN的概念、工作原理和应用模式,并简述了VPN技术的发展趋势。This article briefly introduced the VPN concept,the principle of work and the application pattern to establish own private network through the public network and has summarized the development tendency of VPN technology.
- 虚拟经济virtual economy
- 文章介绍了目前主流的两种VPN技术:SSL VPN与IPSec VPN,并在部署管理、安全性、扩展性、访问控制、经济性五方面作了对比。This paper introduces two kinds of the current mainstream VPN:SSL and IPSec VPN,and makes a comparison of the two kinds of VPN by the deployment of management,security,scalability,access control and economic.