- 无情pitiless
- 无none
- 情passion
- 无法unable
- 情人inamorato
- 无标题no title
- 无需dispense with
- 无人unmanned
- 无格式plain
- 无主dereliction
- 无名nameless
- 她对他实在很无情。She was very unkind to him.
- 对那件事他的行为确属无情。His behavior on that occasion was extremely callous.
- 我看老哈里还是以前那样——卑鄙可耻而又冷漠无情!I see old Harry is the same as ever—miserable and unfriendly.
- 她怎能如此无情?How can she be so heartless?
- 冷漠无情sternly cool and unmoved
- 责主无情A creditor has no sympathy
- 西莉亚也是那贪婪、无情、发横财、施加高压的药品工业的一分子。Celia is a part of that greedy, ruthless, moneycoining, high-pressure drug business.
- 变无情ossify
- 变得无情ossify