- 薄层多波AVO效应研究Multiwave AVO effect relating to thin layers
- 用切变模量近似P-SV波反射系数及在多波AVO反演中的意义P-SV reflection coefficient approximation using shear modulus and its significance in multiwave AVO inversion
- 螺旋CT薄层多平面重建在肾癌诊断与分期中的作用The Application of Thin- slice and MPR of spiral CT in the Diagnosis and Staging of Renal Cell Carcinoma
- 利用AVO效应反演泊松比和储层厚度Inversion of Poisson's ratio and reservoir thickness by AVO effect
- 薄层色谱法检查磷酸伯氨喹的有关物质及对映异构体的研究Study on the Test for Related Substances of Primaquine Phosphate by TLC and Its Enantiomer
- 多波AVOmulti-wave AVO
- 防护层中孔穴对轴向应力波的绕射屏蔽效应研究Study on diffracting and screening effects of cavities on axial stress waves in defense layer
- 香椿多酚类化合物的提取、分离和薄层研究Extraction, Isolation and TLC Study of Polyphenols from Toona sinensis
- 聚变驱动次临界堆双冷嬗变包层多群中子截面数据库共振自屏效应计算与分析Resonance self-shielding effect analysis of neutron data libraries applied for the dual-cooled waste transmutation blanket of the fusion-driven subcritical system
- 乌干达HIV感染患者并发瘙痒性丘疹皮损的病因学研究Etiology of pruritic papular eruption with HIV infection in Uganda
- 以一氧化碳为探针分子,研究了在金/硅基底上合理电沉积形成的铂纳米薄层的衰减全反射表面增强红外吸收效应.Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectra of CO have been obtained on Pt nano-layers properly electrodeposited onto a Au/Si substrate with the Kretschmann attenuate-total-reflection (ATR) configuration.
- 多波多层AVO数据反演Multiwave multilayer AVO inversion
- X射线荧光光谱检测多层薄膜样品的增强效应研究Study of Enhancement Effects in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis for Multi-Layer Samples
- AVO技术在油气储层横向预测中具有独特的优点,但由于受信噪比和薄层效应的影响,给AVO技术的应用带来了很大的困难。AVO technique has unique advantage in lateral prediction of hydrocarbon reservoir. However,low signal-to-noise ratio and thin-bed effect make very difficult the application of AVO technique in this field.
- CoFeSiB/Cu/CoFeSiB多层膜的巨磁阻抗效应研究Giant Magneto-Impedance Effect in CoFeSiB/Cu/CoFeSiB Multiplayer Films
- 浅层高分辨率工程多波地震勘探方法研究Study on high resolution engineering multi-wave seismic exploration in shallow stratum
- 应用基于相似背景的分离技术能够在地震资料上揭示出更多的薄层反射特征,详细地显示出横向的细微变化,突出有效波信息,使该地区沙四段滩坝砂体的勘探取得了较大进展。Separation technology based on similar background can reveal more reflecting features of thin layers on seismic profile; can display the lateral variation in detail and can accentuate the information from effective wave. The application of this technology has developed the exploration of Es4 beach -bar sandbodies in this area.