- 蕴含kC_6的可图序列On Potentially kC_6-graphic Sequences
- 蕴含K5-e可图序列potentially K5- e graphical sequence
- 可图序列graphic sequence
- Yin Jianhua等人~[18]刻划了当r=2,s=3和r=2,s=4时,蕴含K_(r,s)的可图序列,其中K_(r,s)是r×s完全二部图. Hu Lili等人~[3-4]刻划了蕴含K_5-C_4,K_5-Z_4的可图序列.Yin and Chen~[18] characterized the potentially K_r, s-graphic sequences for r = 2, s=3 and r = 2, s=4.Hu and Lai~[3-4] characterize the potentially K_5-C_4and K_5-Z_4-graphic sequences.
- 长于陆海空作战的,三栖的可在陆上、水上或空中操作的Designed to operate on land, water, or in air.
- 广义条纹图序列编码的相位重建Phase Reconstruction Based on Generalized Fringe Pattern Sequence Encoding
- 此代码创建了一个类似于图6的窗口。This code creates a window similar to Figure 6.
- 幕布在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.
- 两年生欧亚植物,通常有膨胀的可食根;作为粮食作物培植广泛。biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop.
- 在水头中蕴含的可用来工作的能量the power to do work that is latent in a head of water
- 虫毛状鸡背肉在家禽的骨盆骨空心内发现的一种少量的可食的肌肉An edible bit of muscle found in the hollow of the pelvic bone of a fowl.
- 一中型大小的可在6分钟内提供44杯咖啡,同时能保证足够的水来冲茶。Qwikbrew Single A mid ranged boiler brewer, providing up to 44 cups of coffee in 6 minutes while water remains available to make tea.
- 一块渗透着墨水的可吸收性材料;它被用来把墨水均匀地涂到橡皮图章上。a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp.
- 基因序列的可专利性研究On the Grant of Patent Right for Geneorder
- 由电视系统产生或传输的可见图象。The visual images produced or transmitted by a television system.
- 国际域名的可转让性使得域名交易在国际上早已很风行。sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for....trade between nondollar countries.
- 图的可嵌入性embeddability in graphs
- 合格投资者汇入的本金应当是国家外汇局批准的可兑换货币,金额以批准额度为限。The currency of the principals from QFII should be exchangeable currency approved by SAFE and the amount of the principal should not exceed the approved quota.
- 表示Web测试插件引用的可序列化、强类型容器。Represents a serializable strongly typed container for Web test plug-in references.
- 二分图对集的可扩性Extendibility for the Matching of Bipartite Graphs