- 拿to hold
- 拿出put forward
- 拿着have
- 拿来bring
- 乔达摩是一个与耆那教的大雄同时代的人。Gautama was a contemporary of Mahavira.
- 拿起up with
- 觉悟对于乔达摩(佛陀)来说,就如监禁他千年的牢狱被打破了。Enlightenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.
- 让我们归依自觉觉他的乔达摩,归依他的法,归依他的比丘僧团。We go to Master Gotama for refuge and to the Dhamma and to the Sangha of bhikkhus.
- 拿去go off with
- 十三岁的时候,乔达摩在尊者阐陀护卫下,进行了连续四次的宫外旅行。At the age of thirteen, Gautama was escorted by his attendant Channa on four subsequent visits outside of the palace.
- 拿回carry back
- 觉悟对于乔达摩(佛陀)来说,就如监禁他千年的牢狱被打破了。Enlightenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.
- 拿掉take off
- 佛教是一种宗教和哲学,从公元前六世纪的乔达摩佛(乔达摩)开始发展。Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the teachings of the Buddha Gautama (or Gautama), who lived as early as the 6th century BC.
- 拿铁咖啡Café Latté (Coffee Latte)
- 世尊宣说至此,婆罗门在家长者们赞叹:"伟大的领导者,乔达摩!"When this was said, the brahmin householders of Nagaravinda said to the Blessed One: "Magnificent, Master Gotama!"
- 拿回来bring back
- 他的父亲,希望乔达摩成为一位伟大的国王,避免他的儿子接受宗教教育或者知道人的苦楚。His father, wishing for Gautama to be a great king, shielded his son from religious teachings or knowledge of human suffering.
- 拿取nim
- 它是在公元前六世纪到五世纪由古北印度迦毗罗卫国净饭王的儿子乔达摩·悉答多创立的。From the 6th century BC to the 5th century AD, it had been set up by Qiaodamo ? Shida, the Jingfan king of Jiabiluowei in ancient North India.