- 苏丹IVSudan IV
- 苏丹Sudan
- 苏丹的Soudanese
- 阿曼的苏丹王the Sultan of Oman
- 阿曼苏丹国Oman
- 苏丹草grass sorghum
- 苏丹港Port Sudan
- 苏丹人Sudanese
- 苏丹舞蹈dance of Sudan
- 苏丹历史history of Sudan
- 苏丹政府呼吁紧急食品援助。The government of Sudan has appealed for emergency food aid.
- 苏丹的妻妾住在後宫。The sultan's wives and concubines live in the harem.
- 德里苏丹国Delhi sultanates
- 苏丹共和国The Republic of the Sudan
- 苏丹GSudan G.
- 文莱苏丹the Sultan of Brunei
- 婆罗洲西北部的苏丹国。a sultanate in northwestern Borneo.
- 苏丹的妻妾住在后宫.The sultan's wives and concubines live in the harem.
- 英埃苏丹Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
- 苏丹电网的黑启动Black start for power grid in Sudan